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第一国际的组织者和领导者,马克思主义的创始人———— 卡尔·马克思








钢铁大王卡耐基Jesus Christ:基督教主神,创建全球最有影响力宗教

Albert Einstein:证明时空是相对的,提出光量子假说,促建第一颗原子弹

Niels Bohr:建立原子理论,量子力学哥本哈根学派宗师

Kurt Goedel:证明公理系统的不完备性定理,指出人类理性的极限

Karl Marx:提出共产主义理论,造成20世纪全球大灾难

John von Neumann:建立可编程计算机构架,建立量子力学的严格数学基础

Georg Cantor:现代集合论和罗辑学之父,建立无穷数理论

von Karmen:创立现代空气动力学,建立航空航天器的理论基础

Alan Turing:建立密码理论,提出通用计算机模型

Henry Kissinger:建立全球外交学说,提出避免战争理论,为自由阵营赢得冷战

Emmy Nother:证明一般对称性原理,20世纪唯一享有历史名声的女性数学家

Karl Popper:科学哲学大师

Grisha Perelman:提出微分拓扑新方法,解决庞加莱猜想

David Baltimore:细胞生物学大师,建立肿瘤病毒与遗传物质的关系

Aron Klug: 建立X光确定生物大分子结构实验基础

Lev Landau:全能型物理学家,苏联物理学霸主

Milton Friedman:价格理论,金融理论大师

Richard Feynman:创立量子电动力学,发明费曼图技术

Murray Gell-Mann:建立核子夸克模型,奠定亚核物质结构理论

Paul Samuelson:分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得主

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji:发明激光致冷,奠定分子激光技术

Stanley Cohen:实验胚胎学大师,生长因子发现者

Harold Kroto:足球形分子C60发现者,开创纳米时代


Albert Einstein -- The most famous and influential scientist of all time

Paul Ehrlich -- Nobel prize for descovering a treatment for syphilis.

Richard Feynman -- 'The greatest scientific mind since World War II '

Roald Hoffmann -- Nobel prize winner in Chemistry: field of electronic structu

Lev Landau -- Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics 1962

Aaron Klug -- Nobel prize winner in Chemistry, for work on X-ray analysis of b


Rita Levi-Montalcini -- winner of the Nobel Prize for her work on Nerve Growth

factor (with Stanley Cohen)

Elie Wiesel -- Jewish author: 'Night', winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace

Niels Bohr -- Nobel prize-winning Physicist: atomic structure

Milton Friedman -- Recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics

Yitzhak Rabin -- Prime Minister of Israel - Worker for Peace' Chief of Staff i

n Six Day War

Franco Modigliani -- Italian-born economist, 1985 Nobel Laureate in Economics:

saving and financial markets

Isaac Bashevis Singer -- Author, Nobel Prize-winner for Literature

Nadine Gordimer -- South African novelist, Nobel prize-winner in Literature

Martin Perl -- Nobel prize winner in Physics: discoverer of the Tau Lepton

Shimon Peres -- Israel's Labor party leader

Arno Penzias -- Nobel prize winner in Physics, studied interstellar isotopes

Elie Metchnikoff -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine, studied immunity in infect

ious disease.

Henri Bergson -- Author/Philosopher, Nobel prize for Literature

Albert Michelson -- Nobel Prize for Physics 1907

Hans Bethe -- Nobel Prize in Physics in 1967

Selman Waksman -- Microbiologist, 1952 Nobel Prize winner in physiology and me


Shmuel Yosef Agnon -- Israeli writer, winner of the 1966 Nobel Prize: 'The Bri

dal Canopy'; `A Guest for the Night'

John Harsanyi -- Winner of the Nobel prize in Economics: studied utilitarian e


Joseph Brodsky -- Nobel Prize winner in literature, most famous modern poet

David Baltimore -- Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine

Isaac Bashevis Singer -- 1978 Nobel Laureate in Literature: 'Enemies : A Love

Story', 'The Golem', 'Meshugah'

Paul Samuelson -- Nobel Prize in Economics (first ever)

Baruch Blumberg -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine: field of epidemiology

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji -- Nobel prize winner in Physics, developed laser-cooli

ng technology

Bernard Katz -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine, studied neuromuscular transmis


Stanley Cohen -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine, for work in experimental embr


Elias Canetti -- Bulgarian born essayist and novelist who was awarded the Nobe

l Prize for Literature in 1981

Fritz Haber -- winner of the Nobel Prize of Chemistry in 1918, for the synthes

is of ammonia from its elements

Tadeus Reichstein -- Nobel Prize for Medicine 1950

George WALD -- Nobel Price in Medicine for work contributing to our understand

ing of vision.

Cesar Milstein -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine: field of immunology

Hermann Muller -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine: for work on biological effec

ts of radiation

Stanley Prusiner -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine: for the discovery of Prion

s, infectious proteins

Saul Bellow -- Canadian born novelist and Nobel Prize winner for lietature

Howard Temin -- 1975 Nobel Prize in Medicine

Joseph Goldstein -- Nobel prize in Medicine

Joshua Lederberg -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine, discovered viral transduct

David Lee -- Nobel prize winner in Physics: for work on superfluidity

Jack Steinberger -- Nobel Prize winner in Physics, 1988

Georges Charpak -- won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1992 for his particle detect

Isidor Rabi -- Nobel prize in physics in 1944

Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse -- Nobel prize winner in Literature, 1830-1914

John Harsanyi -- Winner of the Nobel prize in Economics: studied utilitarian e


Herbert Simon -- Nobel prize winner in Economics: for work on decision-making

Nelly Sachs -- Poet, winner of the Nobel prize in Literature

Andrew Schally -- Nobel prize winner in Medicine: field of endocrinology

Leon Lederman -- Nobel prize winner in Physics, 1988

Herbert Brown -- Nobel prize winner in Chemistry: for his work in the borane-o

rganoborane area

Harold Kroto -- Nobel prize-winner in Chemistry, discoverer of C60

Reinhard Selten -- Nobel prize winner in Economics: for work on 'game equilibr

ium models'

Douglas Osheroff -- Nobel prize winner in Physics, for work in superfluidity

Daniel Nathans -- Nobel prize in Medicine: for restriction analysis of Simian

Virus 40 DNA

Jack Steinberger -- Particle Physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize

Simon Kuznets -- Nobel prize winner in Economics

Murray Gell-Mann -- Nobel prize in physics 1969. Introduced 'quarks'.

大哲学家,Fields 奖和Wolf 奖得主(不全):

Benoit mandelbrot -- the most influential person in the history of fractals

Ayn Rand -- author of 'Atlas Shrugged,' 'The Fountainhead'; philosopher: Objec


Ludwig Wittgenstein -- Philosopher, concerned with moral and philosophical per


John von Neumann -- Award winning mathematical genius

Baruch Spinoza -- Philosopher, 1632-1677, author of 'Ethics'

Karl Popper -- generally regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of scien

ce of the 20th century.

Paul Erdos -- Itinerant genius and mathematician

Georg Cantor -- Father of set theory and modern logic

Paul Samuelson -- Nobel Prize in Economics (first ever)

Levi ben Gershon -- (Gersonides, 1288?1344) mathematician, astronomer and ph


Theodor Adorno -- the principal exponent of the marxist 'Frankfurt School' of

social sciences

John Kemeny -- Mathematician/Philosopher, co-inventor of the 'basic' computer


Isaiah Berlin -- Philosopher and Historian of Ideas, Political Theorist, 1909

- 1997

David Ricardo -- one of the fathers of modern economic theory-founded 'classic

al school' of economics

Emmy Noether -- Mathematician studying abstract algebra

Walter Benjamin -- one of the most influential cultural theorists in the Marxi

st tradition

Edmund Husserl -- Mathematician and Philosopher: 'referential consciousness'

Jacques Derrida -- Controversial founder of deconstructionism

Tullio Levi-Civita -- Mathematician, physicist: absolute differential calculus

in the theory of relativity

Philo Judaeus -- famous Jewish-Hellenistic philosopher-greatest Jewish philoso

pher of his age

Reinhard Selten -- Nobel prize winner in Economics: for work on 'game equilibr

ium models'

Franz Rosenzweig -- German-Jewish philosopher: 'The Star of Redemption', 1886-


Dr. Isaac Hays -- The Jewish Architect of the AMA's First Code of Ethic

Laurent Schwartz -- Fields Medal winner for theory of distributions巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索

西班牙画家、雕塑家。法国共产党党员。是现代艺术的创始人,西方现代 派绘画的主要代表。







西班牙画家、雕塑家。法国共产党党员。是现代艺术的创始人,西方现代 派绘画的主要代表。









犹太人,其祖先为希伯来人,是起源于阿拉伯半岛的游牧民族,属于闪米特人的一支,原始血缘上与阿拉伯人相近。主要信仰犹太教。以色列的《回归法》界定犹太人的身份是按母系相传为标准,凡是母亲是犹太人的其子女都会被以色列承认为犹太人,有权移民以色列。犹太人的祖先名字叫雅各(阿拉伯发音为叶尔孤白),雅各是以撒的儿子、亚伯拉罕(阿拉伯发音为易卜拉欣)的孙子,后来改名叫以色列,意思是“与神角力者”,而且因为他在和神搏斗的时候伤了腿筋,所以犹太人在宰杀动物时都要把腿筋挑出来丢弃。 雅各生有12个儿子,由于约瑟的关系,在七个荒年的第二年迁移到埃及,受到当时统治埃及的西克索斯人的优待,居住在尼罗河下游,转变为农业民族。西克索人被努比亚人暴动赶出埃及后,以色列人的地位急剧下降,沦为埃及人的奴隶,他们在摩西(阿拉伯发音为穆萨)的带领下逃出埃及,逃回巴勒斯坦定居,雅各的12个儿子的后代形成十二支族,原来在巴勒斯坦分居,后来统一成一个国家,先由便雅悯支族中的扫罗作王四十年。之后由犹大支派中的大卫担任国王。大卫(David)名字的意思是“被蒙爱者”,以色列国家在大 犹太人的象征:白色、蓝色、大卫王之星卫的儿子所罗门(阿拉伯称为苏莱曼大帝)担任国王期间达到鼎盛。 所罗门死后,他的儿子罗波安继承王位。由于他及一班年青的大臣所施行的苛刻政策,北部10个支族的人分离出去,单独成立以色列王国,并推举尼八的儿子耶罗波安为王;犹大支族和便雅悯支族联合成立了犹大王国。以色列王国不久即被亚述人消灭,犹大王国尚坚持了几百年,后来也终于被巴比伦帝国攻占。人民被虏到巴比伦成为奴隶。 波斯帝国消灭巴比伦后。犹太人被允许回犹太区,重建耶路撒冷圣殿,后来相继沦为希腊和罗马帝国的属民。到了公元1世纪,撒马利亚人和犹太人是没有来往的。耶稣死后不久,犹太人起义反对罗马人,耶路撒冷被罗马大军攻破,圣殿被拆毁,犹太人被迫流落到世界各地,自称为犹太人。犹太人并不单单是人种或种族的名称,说起犹太人的来历,就必须谈到他们的历史。 犹太人的真实意义其实是信奉犹太教的人,犹太教起源于以色列民族,以色列人的祖先雅各(后改名为以色列,故他的后裔被称为以色列人)有十二个儿子,后来成了十二支派的祖先(其实是十个儿子和两个孙子,还有一个儿子利未的后人不被计算入支派中,而是被拣选专门负责侍奉上帝),以色列人后来成立了统一王国,在历经了扫罗、大卫、所罗门三位国王之后,以色列王国分裂为南北两国,北国依旧叫以色列国,南国则以当中最大的支派的名称被称为犹大国。后来北国以色列被亚述王国所灭,其中的十个支派的以色列人被掳走四散各地,又过了一百多年,南国犹大也被巴比伦王国所灭,百姓也被掳掠到了巴比伦。但到了波斯王国统治的时期,波斯王特许被掳的犹大国人回归他们的土地,于是以犹大人为主的以色列人开始了回归耶路撒冷之路。他们回归之后,做了自我的宗教反省,认为他们的被掳是因为他们之前对上帝的悖逆造成的,于是便开始了敬虔的宗教生活,他们的宗教便被成为犹太教(“犹太”是因为译音的关系,实为“犹大人的宗教”),后来有很多外族人也信奉了犹太教,便也成为犹太人,所以犹太人这个名字实际就如“基督徒”“穆斯林”一样是一个宗教信仰者的统称,而非单纯的民族名称,只是现在多数人因为并不了解这个历史背景而都将“犹太人”与“以色列人”搞混淆了。以色列现在搞什么“犹太人定居点”,为什么不说是“以色列人定居点”?因为现在以色列国内的人并不都是犹太人(犹太教人),他们建的是犹太教人的定居点,故名“犹太人定居点”。




